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Scientific twist DDT pesticide









Rank: 1

發表於 2023-10-3 16:00:14 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
How does DDT work? The sodium channels of the neurons in the sprayed insect's brain open to the mani. This causes billions of neurons in the insect to start firing simultaneously, resulting in a convulsion and death of the insect.
1939 – World War II period. Soldiers are forced to go to jungle areas where insects are prevalent. Soldiers are sprayed with DDT. This pesticide was a huge success as soldiers were saved from many diseases. During those times, wartime soldiers were sprayed with DDT in a row, just like children are given polio shots today!
In 1945, with the end of World War II, DDT was introduced as an insecticide Email Data to farmers. It was hailed by the world as a wonder chemical because it (it seemed at the time) was harmless to human health.
In 1955, the World Health Organization recommended the use of DDT for malaria eradication. This initiative has been a huge success in various countries of the world.

What harm can there be in DDT, which everyone thinks is the companion of farmers, cows and chickens? The 1962 book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson presented a huge challenge to the world of DDT. So what are the challenges?
Indiscriminate spraying of DDT has many consequences. Spraying from aircraft covers more square km than spraying from vehicles. Even if the area can be sprayed, therein lies the problem. For example, spraying in flowing rivers kills the insects that live there. Many insectivorous species, especially fish, are affected.
DDT, which is sprayed by aircraft, kills many songbirds.
The main function of plants is pollination. Insects are responsible for this task. DDT, sprayed from the air, also kills insects that aid in pollination.
Rachel also described another thing. Some birds are infected with DDT and their eggs are thinner than before, causing the eggs to break before hatching. This includes the American Eagle.
Another thing is that these powerful pesticides can have some unintended consequences. Some insects are able to resist DDT and survive. To kill these, use more DDT. This results in an unnecessary spray increase. Although it was not known at first, in 1947 it was discovered that some insects possess this resistance. This is the result of continuous use of DDT. To deal with this situation, an even more powerful insecticide than DDT is needed. As Rachel said, a potato-eating wasp in the American Northwest is resistant to all pesticides available today!
Finally, Rachel came up with something that startled everyone a bit. It is that DDT is harmful to human health. Until then, DDT was seen as a magic chemical that posed no harm to human health. It was later confirmed that DDT's toxicity in breast milk caused cancer in many women and
heir children.

Rachel's book created a huge debate about DDT in the West, especially in the United States. President Kennedy's Scientific Symposium did not stop at saying that Rachel's accusations were true and recommended a gradual ban on these pesticides. For this, EDF, a private organization formed in 1967, was fighting to ban DDT. This drag continued for a few years. In 1970, US President Nixon ordered the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It aims to make the EPA do the messy work that many other government agencies have done. Despite the recommendations of several commissions of inquiry, DDT was still in use despite sleeping in dusty government offices. At this point, some scientists, inspired by Rachel's book, became involved in the subject, They started fighting with the government to ban DDT. In particular, the possibility of cancer in humans has also attracted the attention of many people. Since 1971, EPA has consulted with a number of experts. In 1972, the EPA banned spraying crops with DDT. Finally, in 1976, DDT was banned across the United States. It was decided that pesticides developed as alternatives to DDT would have to be tested and certified by the EPA.

In 2001, the world met in Stockholm and agreed to ban the use of DDT to spray crops. Some poor countries agreed to use a small amount for things like malaria eradication.


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