Media Ninja So a crucial key in photography is finding the distance that works for you. That is a very personal choice of the photographer and he cannot obey a fixed rule. The photographer requires flexibility to act. You can get very close intimate and wonderful photos like that image that Alexander Rodchenko made of his mother and also photos of great substance like those panoramic general shots of Salgado in Serra Pelada.
The hell of Sierra Pelada e-commerce photo editing mines s Sebastian Salgado. Serra Pelada But sooner or later the photographer will find his distance the one that suits him the one he usually uses and with which he achieves the photographs he wants. If getting closer is what matters lets see what happens to this portrait of Picasso by Arnold Newman if the context is removed. Arnold Newman. Portrait of Pablo Picasso. What role does the context play in this portrait As always popular wisdom has the answer In the photographic distance not so much that it burns the saint nor so much that it does not illuminate it.
Therefore Robert Capas advice should not be followed blindly Over time each one finds his distance the one in which he feels that he achieves that harmony between expression and location and at the same time he is not afraid to approach or move away depending on what the scene demands and what he seeks to communicate. In addition to physical distance there is also a need for a connection to the photographic subject or motif that cannot be established with a tape measure and that is emotional distance. You have to get your hands dirty with the subject you deal with. It is an extremely successful recommendation If we want to create great photos we have to get wet not only test the water with a finger.