The design is very suitabe as an educationa exampe. Water ram technoogy is no onger taught in university departments of civi engineering athough there appears to be a rea need for knowedge and experience with this technique. Peope can start with Breurs design in this way. “Peope want to work with a Meccano-ike whoe he says. If you want more capacity you can connect a few sma water rams in parae. Back to France.
In the viage in the Languedoc dozens of viagers are amazed at the mirace. They are very interested. The pantations on various sopes suffer from the ack of water. The instaation of water mobile number list rams can ensure that agricuture on those sopes once again produces sufficient yieds without the need for expensive pumps that run on eectricity or diese. There are now pans to experiment with arger water rams.
No patent The principe of the water hammer can aso be used in a suction pump Breur thought. The design has the same eegant simpicity as the water ram. “Compare it with a water jet pump in the aboratory. There the speed of the water fowing past generates an underpressure or a vacuum.