本帖最後由 akramali123yt 於 2023-7-15 16:19 編輯
One way to know who is the owner of the web domain, to get real information, is to use the WHO IS database. This is public information that anyone can get by entering a web domain into a search engine.
This tells us the name and the name of the person who registered the domain, address Whatsapp Number List email address, etc. In short, personal and contact information.
From now on, not all websites will be available. If it's a site in an individual's name, it's likely that they've chosen a private WHOIS . This consists of a company, generally where we have registered this domain or where we have hosted the website, offering us the ability to hide our personal data and that of the company that is displayed. It comes at a cost.
However, while we may find it impossible to see the actual data, this is an option that may be available. Additionally, private WHOIS can only be applied to certain extensions.
See contact on the web
A simpler option is to just view the web contact. Usually, most websites on the internet have a contact section where we can find information about who is behind that website. We may see personal data, company information, etc. In short, knowing who answers for part of a page.
Some websites have a specific "about us" section. There they will show us data as they say about the person who legitimately registered this page, as well as the organization they may belong to.
But there are also sections where you can find this kind of information. An example is the privacy policy section which, by law, must be present on many websites. It then shows who is responsible for the website that will manage the visitor data. We will see all the information that this page has placed there.
Another option to find out who owns a web domain is to enter the Legal Notice section, which again exists on many websites. We will also find there the personal data of the person in charge of this website or the organization to which it belongs.
In short, these are some options to know who owns a website. This can be useful in some cases.