Get ready for 7 facts and curiosities about trademark registration. Online sales skyrocketed, the market reinvented itself, and your brand needs to be prepared for changes and competition. Check out how, why and where to register your trademark. Regardless of the size of your business, read this content and be aware of your choices. Your trademark is an intangible asset of your company. A strong and protected brand is essential for the survival of the business. In partnership with those who understand the subject: Rafael Krás Borges Verardi, lawyer, partner at Verardi & Nuhues, expert in Intellectual Property Law, we bring you today: 7 facts and curiosities about trademark registration. Transform to find, connect to develop. Count on Agência S3 to undertake safely.
In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, online sales increased exponentially in Brazil and around the world, bringing to light several competitive conflicts between companies that previously did not Country Email List compete directly, due to a regional that, from one hour to another, became national (or even international) through e-commerce. In this way, a strong and properly protected brand is essential for the survival of the business. The brand is, under the terms of Law (the Industrial Property Law – “LPI”), the visually perceptible distinctive sign, intended to identify a product or service of its owner. In Brazil, registration is done with the National Institute of Industrial Property, a federal agency responsible for registering trademarks, patents, industrial designs, computer programs,among other Industrial Property rights.
After all, why do I need to register a brand and what rights does this registration give me? Check out some facts and curiosities about trademark registration: 1 – RIGHT OF EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE SIGN THROUGHOUT THE NATIONAL TERRITORY To registered trademarks, the LPI grants the right of exclusive use throughout the entire national territory, giving the holder the right to assign their registration or request for registration, licensing its use, and ensuring its material integrity or reputation. The system adopted by Brazilian legislation is the attribution of rights; In other words, until the owner registers his trademark, it does not belong to him and can be registered by any other interested party. The registration is valid for 10 (ten) years and can be renewed for equal periods.It is very important to proceed with a previous search of prior art with the INPI, in order to verify if your trademark can, in fact, be registered or if another holder already.