I see an anomalous object "Introduction to the rebranding workshops". It's a call to arms. I glimpse Uncle Sam 's gaze and in the meantime I feel that we are about to enter a phase of renewal and transformation that includes the Core Activities , the design approach and the actual brand. In the following months , various workshops take place which involve all team members full time . Everyone is fundamental, everyone can and MUST have their saywe are rewriting the identity of a multicellular organism of which we are part and we aim - metaphorically - to create a single nucleus. This path allowed us to rewrite the corporate identity and give it a name AND EMILI . Thanks to teamwork we have a new and shared DNA, a new essence. We are to all intents and purposes a newinDNA company.
The rebranding process led us to change not only the name and brand but also the photo retouching corporate identity, positioning and the entire corporate communication primary objective is to rebuild the corporate image , redesigning the reputation transferred externally through signs and values. It has now been months since the launch and more than a year since the renewal of our identity began. And here I want to tell you about our sign through an analysis with strong theoretical and methodological bases but a personal interpretation of the hidden messages but with a very specific meaning present in the DNA of AND EMILI.
Classification Stylistic and figurative representations revolve around the brand which have the function of evoking the character of the company, translating its specificities and characteristics into visual form. The output of the transposition of these elements, in our case, can be traced back to the category of typogramsin fact, the writing characters used in the representation of our brand belong to a family of existing characters Druk and Space Mono .drunk-heavy-space-mono-regular.